
Mercury-Free Dentistry

Why Choose Mercury-Free Dentistry?

Mercury-free dentistry focuses on eliminating the use of mercury-containing amalgam fillings in favour of materials that do not pose long-term health risks. Traditional amalgam fillings contain mercury, a neurotoxin that can have harmful effects on the body over time. At Thornbury Dental Wellness Clinic, we advocate for the use of white-coloured, BPA-free resin fillings that not only match the natural colour of your teeth but are also free from toxic metals. This approach ensures a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing solution for dental restorations.

Healthier Alternatives: Mercury-free dentistry eliminates the risks associated with mercury exposure. By using white resin fillings and other metal-free materials, we prioritise your health and well-being.

Aesthetically Superior: The white resin fillings used in mercury-free dentistry blend seamlessly with the natural colour of your teeth, providing a more attractive and discreet restoration compared to traditional amalgam fillings.








Mercury-Free Dentistry

Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry
Mercury-free dentistry

Concerns About Mercury Exposure

Recent studies have revealed that mercury amalgam fillings can release mercury vapour when subjected to the stresses of chewing or exposure to heat. This vapour is absorbed into the body, raising concerns about potential health risks. Mercury is toxic even at low levels, and chronic exposure has been linked to various health issues, including neurological and systemic problems. This growing body of evidence has contributed to a shift in dental practices, with many professionals moving away from mercury amalgam in favour of safer, mercury-free alternatives.

Scientific research has demonstrated that even small amounts of mercury can damage various organs, glands, blood cells, enzymes, and hormones. Mercury exposure has also been shown to suppress the immune system, which is why the following specific groups are highlighted as being at greater risk.

  • Women Who May Become Pregnant: There is concern about the potential impact on reproductive health and the development of future pregnancies.
  • Pregnant Women and Developing Foetuses: Mercury exposure during pregnancy can pose risks to foetal development and the health of the unborn child.
  • Nursing Women, Newborns, and Infants: These groups are especially vulnerable due to their developing systems and higher sensitivity to toxins.
  • Young Children, Particularly Those Aged Six and Younger: Children’s smaller size and developing bodies make them more susceptible to the harmful effects of mercury.
  • Individuals with Pre-existing Neurological Diseases: Conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease may be exacerbated by mercury exposure.
  • People with Impaired Kidney Function: The kidneys, responsible for filtering toxins from the body, may be less effective in those with compromised kidney health.
  • Individuals with Known Sensitivities or Allergies to Mercury: Those with existing sensitivities to mercury or other components of dental amalgam are at higher risk of adverse reactions.

If you fall into one of these high-risk categories or have concerns about mercury exposure, it’s crucial to discuss safer alternatives with your dentist. Modern dental practices offer a range of mercury-free options that are both effective and safe, ensuring that your dental care supports your overall health and well-being.

Our Metal-Free Approach

Mercury-free dentistry is part of a broader metal-free movement that includes alternatives to traditional dental materials such as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns and gold crowns and bridges. At Thornbury Dental Wellness Clinic, we offer:

Ceramic and Zirconia Crowns and Bridges: These materials provide durable and natural-looking solutions for restoring damaged or missing teeth. They are highly biocompatible, ensuring a safe and long-lasting restoration.

Zirconia Dental Implants: Zirconia implants are a metal-free alternative to traditional titanium implants. They offer excellent strength and biocompatibility while providing a more natural appearance.

White Resin Fillings: Ideal for filling cavities, these BPA-free resins blend with the natural colour of your teeth, making them a superior choice for aesthetic and health reasons.

For more information on mercury-free dentistry and to explore safer treatment options, contact Thornbury Dental Wellness Clinic today.
